A comparative study of topical combinations with infrared radiation on non-healing ulcers


Author(s): Srinivasa B, Devika P Jeeragyal, M. L. RamyaKrishna, J. Anandh Raj, S Vaheedha, Sai Bhargavi E, Gopireddy Likitha, K Bhavya Sai Sreeja

Background: Various treatment modalities of non-healing ulcers in current setup include topical and systemic antibiotics, surgical debridement, skin grafting, compression stockings, and various types of dressings. The current study evaluates the synergistic effect of topical mupirocin, when used in combination with topical framycetin, placental extract gel and infrared radiation for treating non healing ulcers.

Materials & Methods: Using Chit methods 2 groups were divided. Group “M” was treated by topical 2% mupirocin ointment dressing along with infrared radiation and Group “MFP” by topical combination of 2% mupirocin along with infrared radiation& 1% framycetin ointment with 0.1 g placental extract gel dressing on prospective basis in surgery OPD. Recording of data regarding relevant patient details like date of diagnosis of non-healing ulcer, treatment details and their regular follow up was done for 2 months in preformed data sheet on regular basis. After undergoing a detailed clinical examination, relevant investigations were recorded before and after follow up at 4th week and 8th week. The wound debrided was measured in length x width by digital planimetry. Photographs of ulcers before and after topical treatment dressings were taken. Culture and sensitivity of the ulcers were done for infective ulcers at regular visits of patients.

Results: The important findings like socio-demographic values, number & percentage of reduction in ulcer area of both groups M and MFP noted in the study were expressed efficiently in tables and graphs. For normal data Statistical analysis was done by student’s “T” test and for data not following normal, Man Whitney U – test was applied to evaluate the significance of best treatment group over the other group. Reduction in ulcer size at 8th week in group M was 60.17 ± 23.25 and reduction in ulcer size at 8th week in group MFP was 89.8 ± 12.57. There was statistical significance between 2 groups (P value<0.001*, Z value: 4.809). Reduction in ulcer size at 4th week in group M was 31.33 ± 17.17 and reduction in ulcer size at 4th week in group MFP was 49.77 ± 10.62. There was statistical significance between 2 groups (P value<0.001*, Z value: 3.947).

Conclusion: This study concludes that topical combination of mupirocin, framycetin with placental extract gel and infra-red radiation is more effective in treating chronic wounds and non-healing ulcer very rapidly when compared to other modalities of topical treatment which are already present in healthcare. It also gives a great idea or tool for exploration of future novel topical antibiotic combinations to be used in non-healing ulcers especially of infective origin.

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Editors List

  • Ahmed Hussien Alshewered

    University of Basrah College of Medicine, Iraq

  • Sudhakar Tummala

    Department of Electronics and Communication Engineering SRM University – AP, Andhra Pradesh




  • Alphonse Laya

    Supervisor of Biochemistry Lab and PhD. students of Faculty of Science, Department of Chemistry and Department of Chemis


  • Fava Maria Giovanna


  • Manuprasad Avaronnan

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